Categories ⋅ Keywords ⋅ Packages Advisories for package 'hyper' May 10, 2022 INFO RUSTSEC-2022-0022: Unsoundness in hyper Parser creates invalid uninitialized value August 8, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2021-0078: Vulnerability in hyper Lenient hyper header parsing of Content-Length could allow request smuggling August 8, 2021 CRITICAL RUSTSEC-2021-0079: Vulnerability in hyper Integer overflow in hyper's parsing of the Transfer-Encoding header leads to data loss February 5, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2021-0020: Vulnerability in hyper Multiple Transfer-Encoding headers misinterprets request payload October 1, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2017-0002: Vulnerability in hyper headers containing newline characters can split messages October 1, 2020 CRITICAL RUSTSEC-2020-0008: Vulnerability in hyper Flaw in hyper allows request smuggling by sending a body in GET requests October 1, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2016-0002: Vulnerability in hyper HTTPS MitM vulnerability due to lack of hostname verification