Categories ⋅ Keywords ⋅ Packages Advisories with keyword 'concurrency' March 30, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0152: Vulnerability in max7301 ImmediateIO and TransactionalIO can cause data races March 30, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0151: Vulnerability in generator Generators can cause data races if non-Send types are used in their generator functions March 26, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0148: Vulnerability in cgc Multiple soundness issues in Ptr January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0137: Vulnerability in lever AtomicBox lacks bound on its Send and Sync traits allowing data races January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0136: Vulnerability in toolshed CopyCell lacks bounds on its Send trait allowing for data races January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0139: Vulnerability in dces dces' World type can cause data races January 24, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0118: Vulnerability in tiny_future Future lacks bounds on Send and Sync. January 22, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0115: Vulnerability in ruspiro-singleton Singleton lacks bounds on Send and Sync. January 20, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0111: Vulnerability in may_queue may_queue's Queue lacks Send/Sync bound for its Send/Sync trait. January 20, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0101: Vulnerability in conquer-once conquer-once's OnceCell lacks Send bound for its Sync trait. January 20, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0107: Vulnerability in hashconsing hashconsing's HConsed lacks Send/Sync bound for its Send/Sync trait. January 19, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0099: Vulnerability in aovec Aovec lacks bound on its Send and Sync traits allowing data races January 19, 2021 CRITICAL RUSTSEC-2020-0100: Vulnerability in sys-info Double free when calling sys_info::disk_info from multiple threads January 18, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0098: Unsoundness in rusb UsbContext trait did not require implementers to be Send and Sync. January 6, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0094: Unsoundness in reffers Unsound: can make ARefss contain a !Send, !Sync object. December 9, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0090: Vulnerability in thex Thex allows data races of non-Send types across threads November 18, 2020 INFO RUSTSEC-2020-0070: Unsoundness in lock_api Some lock_api lock guard objects can cause data races November 18, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0072: Unsoundness in futures-intrusive GenericMutexGuard allows data races of non-Sync types across threads October 31, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0062: Vulnerability in futures-util Improper Sync implementation on FuturesUnordered in futures-utils can cause data corruption October 30, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0059: Vulnerability in futures-util MutexGuard::map can cause a data race in safe code October 1, 2020 CRITICAL RUSTSEC-2018-0009: Vulnerability in crossbeam MsQueue and SegQueue suffer from double-free