Categories ⋅ Keywords ⋅ Packages Advisories in category 'thread-safety' September 10, 2023 INFO RUSTSEC-2023-0058: Unsoundness in inventory Exposes reference to non-Sync data to an arbitrary thread March 23, 2023 RUSTSEC-2023-0022: Vulnerability in openssl openssl X509NameBuilder::build returned object is not thread safe June 8, 2022 RUSTSEC-2022-0029: Vulnerability in crossbeam MsQueue push/pop use the wrong orderings February 4, 2022 INFO RUSTSEC-2022-0008: Unsoundness in windows Delegate functions are missing Send bound November 17, 2021 RUSTSEC-2021-0124: Vulnerability in tokio Data race when sending and receiving after closing a oneshot channel September 18, 2021 RUSTSEC-2021-0113: Vulnerability in metrics-util AtomicBucket unconditionally implements Send/Sync July 6, 2021 CVE-2018-25008: Vulnerability in std Insufficient synchronization in Arc::get_mut July 6, 2021 CVE-2017-20004: Vulnerability in std MutexGuard<Cell<i32>> must not be Sync March 30, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0150: Vulnerability in disrustor RingBuffer can create multiple mutable references and cause data races March 30, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0149: Vulnerability in appendix Data race and memory safety issue in Index March 4, 2021 CRITICAL RUSTSEC-2021-0036: Vulnerability in internment Intern: Data race allowed on T February 4, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0143: Vulnerability in multiqueue Queues allow non-Send types to be sent to other threads, allowing data races February 1, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0141: Vulnerability in noise_search MvccRwLock allows data races & aliasing violations January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0140: Unsoundness in model Shared can cause a data race January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0125: Vulnerability in convec convec::ConVec unconditionally implements Send/Sync January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0134: Vulnerability in parc LockWeak<T> allows to create data race to T. January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0137: Vulnerability in lever AtomicBox lacks bound on its Send and Sync traits allowing data races January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0129: Vulnerability in kekbit ShmWriter allows sending non-Send type across threads January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0136: Vulnerability in toolshed CopyCell lacks bounds on its Send trait allowing for data races January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0130: Vulnerability in bunch Bunch unconditionally implements Send/Sync January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0138: Vulnerability in lexer ReaderResult should be bounded by Sync January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0139: Vulnerability in dces dces' World type can cause data races January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0126: Vulnerability in signal-simple SyncChannel can move 'T: !Send' to other threads January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0131: Vulnerability in rcu_cell Send/Sync bound needed on T for Send/Sync impl of RcuCell January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0128: Vulnerability in cache Cache: Send/Sync impls needs trait bounds on K January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0124: Vulnerability in async-coap ArcGuard's Send and Sync should have bounds on RC January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0133: Vulnerability in scottqueue Queue should have a Send bound on its Send/Sync traits January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0127: Vulnerability in v9 SyncRef's clone() and debug() allow data races January 30, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0135: Vulnerability in slock Slock allows sending non-Send types across thread boundaries January 26, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0122: Vulnerability in beef beef::Cow lacks a Sync bound on its Send trait allowing for data races January 25, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0120: Unsoundness in libsbc Decoder<R> can carry R: !Send to other threads January 25, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0119: Vulnerability in ticketed_lock ReadTicket and WriteTicket should only be sendable when T is Send January 25, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0121: Vulnerability in abox AtomicBox implements Send/Sync for any T: Sized January 24, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0117: Vulnerability in conqueue QueueSender/QueueReceiver: Send/Sync impls need T: Send January 24, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0118: Vulnerability in tiny_future Future lacks bounds on Send and Sync. January 24, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0116: Vulnerability in unicycle PinSlab and Unordered<T, S> need bounds on their Send/Sync traits January 22, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0115: Vulnerability in ruspiro-singleton Singleton lacks bounds on Send and Sync. January 21, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0114: Vulnerability in va-ts Demuxer can carry non-Send types across thread boundaries January 20, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0108: Vulnerability in eventio Soundness issue: Input can be misused to create data race to an object January 20, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0106: Unsoundness in multiqueue2 Queues allow non-Send types to be sent to other threads, allowing data races January 20, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0102: Vulnerability in late-static LateStatic has incorrect Sync bound January 20, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0104: Vulnerability in gfwx ImageChunkMut needs bounds on its Send and Sync traits January 20, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0112: Vulnerability in buttplug ButtplugFutureStateShared allows data race to (!Send|!Sync) objects January 20, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0111: Vulnerability in may_queue may_queue's Queue lacks Send/Sync bound for its Send/Sync trait. January 20, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0101: Vulnerability in conquer-once conquer-once's OnceCell lacks Send bound for its Sync trait. January 20, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0113: Vulnerability in atomic-option AtomicOption should have Send + Sync bound on its type argument. January 20, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0107: Vulnerability in hashconsing hashconsing's HConsed lacks Send/Sync bound for its Send/Sync trait. January 19, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0099: Vulnerability in aovec Aovec lacks bound on its Send and Sync traits allowing data races January 18, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0097: Unsoundness in xcb Soundness issue with base::Error January 18, 2021 HIGH RUSTSEC-2020-0098: Unsoundness in rusb UsbContext trait did not require implementers to be Send and Sync. January 18, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0096: Unsoundness in im TreeFocus lacks bounds on its Send and Sync traits January 6, 2021 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0094: Unsoundness in reffers Unsound: can make ARefss contain a !Send, !Sync object. December 17, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0092: Unsoundness in concread Send/Sync bound needed on V in impl Send/Sync for ARCache<K, V> December 9, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0090: Vulnerability in thex Thex allows data races of non-Send types across threads December 7, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0087: Vulnerability in try-mutex TryMutex allows sending non-Send type across threads December 7, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0088: Vulnerability in magnetic MPMCConsumer/Producer allows sending non-Send type across threads November 18, 2020 INFO RUSTSEC-2020-0070: Unsoundness in lock_api Some lock_api lock guard objects can cause data races November 18, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0072: Unsoundness in futures-intrusive GenericMutexGuard allows data races of non-Sync types across threads October 31, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0062: Vulnerability in futures-util Improper Sync implementation on FuturesUnordered in futures-utils can cause data corruption October 30, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0059: Vulnerability in futures-util MutexGuard::map can cause a data race in safe code October 1, 2020 RUSTSEC-2020-0034: Vulnerability in arr Multiple security issues including data race, buffer overflow, and uninitialized memory drop October 1, 2020 MEDIUM RUSTSEC-2020-0044: Unsoundness in atom Unsafe Send implementation in Atom allows data races